Experience All New Soneri Digital Now An App Away!

A convenient and secure way of banking online, anytime, anywhere you want!

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Pay The Way You Want

Soneri digital is a solution to help clients manage daily banking everywhere and anytime, our Internet Banking and Mobile App provide convenient and secure banking experience.
QR Payments

Easy Registration & Login

All New Soneri Digital offers quick registration and login with biometric and face recognition support, we provide easy and safe authentication process as your security is our priority.
Touch ID
Face ID

Payment & Transfer By One Touch

Soneri Digital brings you the complete solution for all your banking needs. Funds Transfers, Mobile Top-ups, Utility Bill Payments, Credit Card Payments, Zakat, Donations and Much More!
Fund Transfer
Mobile Top-ups
Bill Payments

Track Every Coin You Spend

Manage your finances better with Soneri Digital! You can now track your monthly or annual spending on your accounts and cards.
Track your spending with one year overview
Manage cards connected to your account

Security Is Our Top Concern

Your privacy is our utmost responsibility and as your banking partner we keep your finances secure and safe through our new and improved Soneri Digital.

Start your digital journey

Login to Soneri Digital


Internet Banking

Experience Internet Banking like never before with enhanced features and fresh look. To login or register, visit www.soneridigital.com


Terms & Conditions

Security Tips

Digital Banking Security Features

Our objective we have enhanced the security of Digital Banking Application to make it more secure for you. Key enhanced security features are listed below:

1 . Registration Process:

  • A waiting period of 2 hours will be in effect at the time of Digital Banking Application activation/sign–up.

2 . New Device Registration:

  • At the time of new device registration, customers will be able to use Soneri Digital Banking Application after a waiting period of 2 hours

3 . Forget Username & Password:

  • A waiting period of 2 hours will be in effect after user name or password reset.

4 . Financial PIN Reset:

  • A waiting period of 2 hours will be in effect after Financial PIN reset.

5 . Maximum three (3) devices can be registered with Soneri Digital Application.

6 . Maximum three (3) Soneri Digital User Accounts can be accessed per device.