Mr. Jamil Hassan Hamdani

Independent Director

Mr. Hamdani is an Independent Director of the Bank. He has vast Banking experience that dates back to 1973 and had worked with various foreign Banks. He received his Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Government College University, Lahore. In 2016, he retired as Managing Director of Credit Agricole Indosuez (Suisse) SA, where he was responsible for overseeing functions pertaining to Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Nepal. He also remained the Chairman/CEO of Pakistan France Business Alliance till September, 2023.

At Soneri, he is Chairing the Board’s Audit Committee as well as Member of the Board’s Risk & Compliance Committee, Human Resource and Remuneration Committee and Independent Directors Committee.

He has attended various international and local seminars and training courses conducted by professional institutions, regulatory bodies from time to time. He is also a certified Director from the Pakistan Institute of Corporate Governance.