
Soneri Mustaqeem – Salana Amdani Account is a Mudarabah based one year term deposit with bullet/maturity profit payment.where, the customer functions as a Rabb-ul-Maal (investor in Mudarabah) and the Bank acts as the Mudarib (Manager of the Mudarabah). Soneri Mustaqeem Salana Amdani Account offers a high-expected return to its investors, which is ideal for customers expecting Shari’ah compliant income.


Account Type

Term Deposit


Individuals, Partnership, Joined Account holders, Companies, Corporate, Trusts

Initial Deposit

Rs. 25,000/-

Profit Calculation

Daily balance

Profit Distribution

At Maturity

Tenures (Minimum and Maximum)

1 Year


Premature Encashment

If en-cashed before completion of the tenure, the profit shall be paid at the expected rate of nearest completed tenor

Automatic Renewals

Funds placed in Mustaqeem Salana Amdani Account will be renewed automatically for same tenure at the prevailing profit rate
Kindly refer relevant product KFS/ Islamic SOC for updated product features/facilities.

Historical Profit Rates

For Historical Profit Rates please Click Here