Pakistan Single Window

  • Pakistan Single Window (PSW) is an integrated digital platform that allows parties involved in trade and transport to lodge standardized information and documents with a single-entry point to fulfill all import, export, and transit-related regulatory requirements.
  • Current process of EIF and EFE in WEBOC will be substituted with real time exchange of data via Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) mechanism between Customs and Banks through PSW platform.
  • Banks’ core banking systems and PSW shall have a 2-way communication where customer’s static data, financial information of underlying trade transaction, import/ export payments information and goods declaration (GD) data shall be shared with each other through EDI.
  • PSW is based upon pre-approved banking profiles of the trader after due diligence by the banks. Trader will not have to approach his/ her bank each time for approval as long as transaction remains within the parameters approved by the bank.
  • Once trader is registered and profile is approved by the bank, he/ she is free to conduct uninterrupted trade transaction without any further referral to the bank.
  • To conduct trade transaction in PSW, trader will have to get himself/ herself registered on the PSW website at by following the simple 6 steps registration process as demonstrated in ‘How to Register’ section below.

How to Register

  1. To start your subscription process, go to and click on the Subscribe button.
  2. Accept the terms and condition and click proceed. For authentication, please provide the following: CNIC, NTN, SECP No., Mobile Phone No. and your Email address.
  3. Deposit a one-time non-refundable subscription fee through Payment Slip ID (PSID).
  4. Verify your Mobile Number and Email Address using One Time Password (OTP).
  5. Visit your nearest NADRA e-Sahulat franchise for biometric verification.
  6. Create your own ID/Password with the link you receive on your email.

Support & Guides

[email protected] – Soneri-PSW Support
[email protected] – PSW Email Support
[email protected] – SBP Facilitation Desk
051-111-772-772 – PSW Helpline – User Manuals/Demo Videos

Click here to download the User Guide.


    Last Update: 13/02/2025 11:21

      • Copyright © Soneri Bank