Pak Rupee


PLS Deposits/ Term Deposits & Special Products w.e.f  1st February 2025

PKR Deposit Rates

Deposit Category  Profit Rates (% p.a.)  
Saving Deposits  
PLS Savings Account / Pensioner’s Saving Account 10.50
Soneri Roshan Savings Account 10.60
Soneri Sahara Account (Senior Citizens)  10.50
Soneri Youngsters Minor Savings Account  10.60
Soneri Savings Accounts  10.50
Profit rate on Saving Deposits from Financial Institutions / Public Sector Enterprises / Public Limited Companies will be at 8.50%
Notice Deposits
7 Days’ Notice 10.00
30 Days’ Notice 9.00
Term Deposits – Minimum Deposit PKR 25,000                                                                                             (all rates are % p.a.) 
Tenor  Monthly Intervals  Quarterly Intervals  Six Monthly Intervals Yearly  Intervals At Maturity
1 Month 9.00
3 Months 8.00 8.50
6 Months 7.00 7.50 8.00
1 Year 9.10 9.20 9.25 9.60
2 Years 6.10 6.35 6.85 7.10 7.60
3 Years 6.60 6.85 7.10 7.35 7.60
Soneri Salana Amdani Account (Term Deposit for 1 year with profit payment on maturiy) w.e.f. 18th February, 2025  Profit Rates (% p.a.) 
1 Year 11.00
Soneri Monthly Munafa Account (Term Deposit offering monthly profit payments) Profit Rates (% p.a.) 
1 Year 9.50
2 Years 7.50
3 Years 7.50
4 Years 7.00
5 Years 7.00
Soneri Ladies First Term Deposit (Monthly Income Scheme) Profit Rates (% p.a.) 
1 Year 9.50
2 Years 7.50
3 Years 7.50
Soneri Sarmaya Account (SSA) – Current Remunerative Deposit Profit Rates (% p.a.) 
Up to Rs. 999,999 0.00
Rs. 1 Million to Rs. 2.49 Million 8.00
Rs. 2.5 Million to Rs. 4.99 Million 9.00
Rs. 5 Million and above 10.00
Other saving account products Profit Rates (% p.a.)
1- Asaan Saving Account 10.50
2- Asaan Digital Saving Account 10.50
3- Asaan Digital Remittance Saving Account 10.50
4- Soneri Freelancer Saving Account 10.50
5- Soneri Remit Direct Saving Account 10.50
6- Soneri Employee Banking Saving Account 10.50

Important Notice:

Minimum rate of return will be in accordance with SBP’s prevailing guidelines.

Provisional rates are subject to change.

Roll-overs of deposits on previous rates shall be in accordance with prevailing rate sheet.

Premature encashment of a time and term deposit will cause reduction in rate of return by 150bps.

Profit Rate on Deposits from Banks / Financial Institutions PSEs / Provident, Gratuity Funds / Educational Institutes / Corporate Entities / Cooperative Societies, Group Account(s) & High net worth individuals will be Negotiable.